Interpersonal Neurobiology: The Science of Connection and Human Experience
Thaina Cordero Thaina Cordero

Interpersonal Neurobiology: The Science of Connection and Human Experience

Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to integrate knowledge from various scientific disciplines, including neuroscience, psychology, attachment theory, physics, and more, to understand the development of the mind and the processes that underlie human relationships. It focuses on how the brain, mind, and relationships interact and shape each other throughout a person's lifespan.

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10 Antidotes to Criticism in a Relationship
Thaina Cordero Thaina Cordero

10 Antidotes to Criticism in a Relationship

Dr. John and Dr. Julie Gottman, are renowned relationship experts. They emphasize the importance of handling criticism effectively in relationships. Criticism can be damaging to relationships, but there are ways to counteract it and promote healthy communication.

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11 Antidotes to Contempt in a Relationship
Thaina Cordero Thaina Cordero

11 Antidotes to Contempt in a Relationship

Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Gottman are prominent relationship researchers. They identified contempt as one of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" in relationships—a set of toxic communication patterns that predict relationship dissatisfaction and potential breakup. Contempt involves feeling superior to your partner, manifesting as sarcasm, belittling, or disrespect.

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11 Antidotes to Stonewalling in a Relationship
Thaina Cordero Thaina Cordero

11 Antidotes to Stonewalling in a Relationship

Stonewalling, identified by Dr. John Gottman as one of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," is a communication behavior where a person disengages or withdraws from a conversation or interaction. It typically involves shutting down emotionally, refusing to respond, and often giving the silent treatment.

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The Sound House Theory: Gottman Method for Couples Therapy
Thaina Cordero Thaina Cordero

The Sound House Theory: Gottman Method for Couples Therapy

One of the most significant contributions to the field of relationship psychology is the "Gottman Sound House Theory" from the Gottman Method. The Gottman Method is a research-based approach to couples therapy developed by Drs. John and Dr. Julie Gottman. It focuses on strengthening relationships by understanding and improving communication, enhancing friendship and intimacy, and resolving conflicts in a healthy and constructive manner.

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